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The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Assistant exam is a highly competitive examination that requires dedicated preparation to achieve success. To crack the RBI Assistant 2023 exam, aspirants need to adopt an effective study strategy and focus on important topics. In this blog, we will discuss how to prepare effectively for the RBI Assistant 2023 exam, along with key topics to concentrate on during your preparation.

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Important Details for RBI Assistant

Exam nameRBI Assistant
OrganizationRBI (Reserve Bank of India)
Exam LevelNational
EligibilityGraduation with 50% marks
Age Limit18 – 28 years
Frequency of examAnnual
Exam stagesPrelims => Mains
Exam modeOnline
Exam durationPrelims: 60 minutes
Mains: 135 minutes
Exam patternPrelims: Questions: 100; Max Marks: 100
Mains: Questions: 200; Max Marks: 200
Application Fee & Intimation ChargesFor OBC/General/EWS: Rs 450
For SC/ST/PwBD/EXS: Rs 50
On-line registration including Editing/ Modification of Application by candidates17.02.2022 to 08.03.2022
Prelims Exam Date*-
Mains Exam Date*-
LanguageHindi/ English
Salary in HandApprox Rs 38,000 to 42,000
Official website

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Understanding the Exam Pattern and Syllabus:
Before commencing your preparation, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the RBI Assistant exam pattern and syllabus. The exam comprises multiple stages, including prelims, mains, and a language proficiency test. Get acquainted with the structure of each stage, the subjects covered, and the marking scheme. This knowledge will assist you in creating a study plan that allocates sufficient time for each section.

RBI Assistant 2022 Online Exam Pattern- Phase I- Preliminary Exam

S. No.Name of the Test (Objective Test)No. of QsMaximum MarksMedium of ExamDuration
1English Language3030English20 mins
2Reasoning Ability3535English/ Hindi20 mins
3Numerical Ability3535English/ Hindi20 mins
 Total100100 1 hour


  • Phase –I is qualifying in nature and marks will not be reckoned for final merit..
  • Negative Marking of 0.25 per incorrect answer is applicable.

RBI Assistant 2022 Online Exam Pattern- Phase II- Mains Exam

S. No.Name of the Test (Objective Test)No. of QuestionsMaximum MarksMedium of ExamDuration
1Test of Reasoning4040English/ Hindi30 mins
2Test of English Language4040English30 mins
3Test of Numerical Ability4040English/ Hindi30 mins
4Test of General Awareness4040English/ Hindi25 mins
5Test of Computer Knowledge4040English/ Hindi20 mins
 Total200200 2 hours & 15 mins
  • Negative Marking of 0.25 per incorrect answer is applicable.

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Creating a Study Plan:
To ensure effective preparation, it is essential to create a well-structured study plan. Divide the syllabus into manageable portions and assign specific time slots for each topic. Ensure that all the subjects are covered, including English Language, Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability, General Awareness, and Computer Knowledge. Dedicate more time to challenging topics while maintaining a balanced approach across all subjects. RBI Assistant 48 Days Study Plan

Important Topics to Focus on:

  1. English Language: Emphasize topics such as comprehension passages, grammar rules, vocabulary, error detection, and sentence completion. Regularly practice reading comprehension to improve reading speed and comprehension skills.
  2. Reasoning Ability: Pay attention to topics like coding-decoding, seating arrangement, syllogism, blood relations, puzzles, and logical reasoning. Practice solving a variety of questions to enhance your logical and analytical skills.
  3. Numerical Ability: Focus on topics such as simplification, number series, data interpretation, percentage, profit and loss, time and work, and average. Strengthen your calculation speed and problem-solving abilities by practicing different types of numerical problems.
  4. General Awareness: Stay updated with current affairs, especially related to banking and finance. Cover topics such as banking awareness, RBI policies, economic news, budget, and government schemes. Read newspapers, magazines, and online resources to enhance your knowledge.
  5. Computer Knowledge: Gain proficiency in topics like computer hardware and software, networking, operating systems, and computer terminologies. Familiarize yourself with basic computer concepts and practice using computers regularly.

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Preparing effectively for the RBI Assistant 2023 exam requires a systematic approach and a focus on important topics. Understand the exam pattern and syllabus, create a study plan, and allocate time for each subject accordingly. Give special attention to crucial topics in English Language, Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability, General Awareness, and Computer Knowledge. With consistent practice and dedication.

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