SBI Clerk Alphanumeric 2022 Series Tricks for Prelims
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SBI Clerk 2022 notification is yet to be released and Prelims dates have also not been announced yet. But we hope that your preparation would be going on in full swing. It better be, as there are lots of topics to be practised across 3 sections. It’s only practice which can keep you ahead of lakhs of competitors who will be vying with you for thousands of vacancies. Talking about practice, have you taken a Free Mock Test of SBI Clerk Prelims yet? If not, take it now. In this article, we’ll be covering the tips and tricks for SBI Clerk alphanumeric series. Questions on this topic are often seen in banking exams and they are easily doable with high accuracy if properly understood and practised. Let’s get started with the conceptual understanding of SBI Clerk Alphanumeric Series.

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You will be given a series which will have a random combination of alphabets, numbers and symbols. 

Example 1

Q. 1 How many such consonants are there which are both immediately preceded by and immediately followed by a number?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 0
  4. 3
  5. None of these

Here, only the consonant N is there which is immediately preceded by and immediately followed by a number. So option a is correct.

Q. 2 If the first half of the series is written in reverse order, then which Element will be twenty-first from the right end? 

  1. A
  2. O
  3. @
  4. &
  5. None of these

Here you just need to count the total number of elements which is 24. Half of 24 is 12 (since have to reverse the first half). Now picture in your mind, if the first half is reversed, and you start counting from the right, the first 12 elements will not matter (since you are counting from right and the left part is reversed). 21-12 = 9. Now you just need to count the 9th element from the left which is O. Hence option b is correct.

Q. 3 Which element will be 3rd to the left of 19th letter from your left in the given series?

  1. A
  2. E
  3. &
  4. S
  5. None of these

These kinds of questions are pretty easy. Remember, your left and a letter’s left will be opposite. So, 19-3 = 16. 16th letter from left is S and d is the answer.

Q. 4 How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a number and not immediately followed by a symbol?

  1. 2
  2. 1
  3. 0
  4. 4
  5. None of these

Here you just need to keep the pattern NAS [(N)umber (A)lphabet (S)ymbol] in mind while looking at the above series. There is no such combination and therefore the answer is zero. Hence c option.

While these steps seem lengthy, it is only by practising a lot of questions that you can do all these calculations in your mind itself. You don’t even need to pick up the pen. Let’s have a look at some tips & tricks which you should keep in mind while answering questions on alphanumeric series. 

  • Read the question very carefully. These questions are easy and even a slight mistake can deprive you of precious marks.
  • Practice as much as you can. Practice will make you acquainted with different kinds of questions and you can develop your own shortcuts to deal with them.
  • Learn the placement of alphabets by heart. A trick is EJOTY where the alphabets E, J, O, T & Y are at 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th & 25th position of the standard English alphabet.
  • If the alphabets are asked in the reverse order, the keyword is VQLGB which are at 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th & 25th position of the standard English alphabet (in reverse order).
  • Be very clear with the understanding of to the right/ left of, in the middle of, immediately preceding, immediately succeeding etc. Make sure whether the question is asking from your left side or a letter’s left side.
  • Remember that A, E, I, O U are vowels and the remaining are consonants.

This is all from us in this article of SBI Clerk Alphanumeric series. If you like the Free Mock Test of SBI Clerk Prelims, you may consider buying the SBI Clerk Prelims Package which contains 20 Prelims Mocks and only costs Rs 275. Wishing you all the best with your preparation!

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