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SBI PO exam is an annual recruitment exam conducted by the State Bank of India for the post of Probationary Officer. The selection procedure is divided into three phases – Preliminary, Mains, and Interview. The Preliminary phase is a multiple-choice exam consisting of 100 questions to be completed in 1 hour. The Mains phase is an objective and descriptive exam consisting of 157 questions to be completed in 3 hours & 30 minutes. The Interview phase is a personal interview with the candidate.

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Top 8 mistakes to avoid for SBI PO 2022

  • Don’t start preparing for SBI PO just a few months before the exam. Start preparing as early as possible so that you have enough time to revise the entire syllabus and prepare well for the exam. 
  • Don’t try to mug up the entire syllabus. Understand the concepts and then solve as many questions as possible to test your understanding. 
  • Don’t neglect the current affairs section. This section is very important and can help you score well in the exam. 
  • Don’t attempt too many questions in the exam just for the sake of attempting. Attempt only those questions which you are confident about and can solve correctly.
  • Don’t lose your cool during the exam. Stay calm and focused throughout the exam.
  • Don’t forget to revise all the topics before the exam. This will help you in recalling the concepts quickly during the exam. 
  • Don’t rely on guesswork. If you are not sure about the answer to a question, leave it and move on to the next question.
  • Don’t forget to attempt the sample papers and previous years’ question papers. This will give you an idea about the exam pattern and the type of questions (and their level) asked in the exam.

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 Exam pattern in Prelims of SBI PO

  1. English Language = It will consist of 30 marks
  2. Quantitative Aptitude=It will consist of 35 marks
  3. Reasoning Ability =It will consist of 35 marks

Total of 100 marks and the giving time would be 1 hour to complete the whole exam 

 Exam pattern in Mains of SBI PO

  1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude= 40 Questions
  2. Data Analysis & Interpretation= 30 Questions
  3. General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness= 50 Questions
  4. English Language= 35 Questions

This exam will be for 200 marks and the time given would be 3 hours to complete the whole exam. The Descriptive Test of 30 minutes duration with two questions for 50 marks will be a Test of the English Language (Letter Writing & Essay).

Very less days are left for the exam. Don’t waste your time. Grab Mocks from our platform 

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