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To begin with the good news, IBPS RRB Clerk or office assistant 2021-22 notification has been released, and the exam will be held in August this year! The application process which began on July 12 will be continued till August 1. Now, if you are fully loaded to take the exam, you might also want to check your capabilities and skills before landing on the Exam arena! No? And the only way to test you is a test similar to the actual Exam. And here’s where Mocks come in handy. Mocks Test you and teach you many essential ways to tackle the exam time and load. There are reasons galore why taking the Mock Test is crucial for cracking the upcoming RRB Clerk 2021-22 Exam. And there are many ways by which Mock Tests prepare you perfectly to beat RRB Clerk Exam.

Holi Sale

Read and know: 5 Tricks to Beat RRB Clerk Exam-Prepare your strategy today!

Here are the 4 Ways by which Mocks help you to conquer the RRB Clerk ground:

1.     Time management way

Managing time during the exam is one of the biggest problems faced by the majority of the RRB Clerk aspirants. It can become quite a typical task to solve all the questions with speed and accuracy in a composite time of 45 minutes in prelims and in a composite time of 2 hours in the mains.

This is where Mock Tests come in handy. Therefore, if you will take more and more Mock Tests, you can develop your time management skills more to solve all the questions within the given time duration. In addition, it will also help in revising each and every topic of the syllabus that you have studied so far.

Read about: 6 Benefits of Taking Regular Mock Tests for SBI Clerk Pre/Mains Exam 2021 for Best Results

2.      Previous years’ papers way

You accelerate your RRB Clerk 2021-22 preparation by going through the questions which were asked in previous years’ papers. You can begin and target completing each topic of each section by solving questions on Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude/Numerical Ability, or English Language.

This will help you in building and then mastering your basic concepts. Once you master basic concepts, you can proceed further and start practicing the tough questions. Then afterward, take Mock Tests to check your and accuracy. Do learn some short tricks to increase your speed.

Read, if you are looking for an answer to this question: Is the SBI Clerk Exam Tough?-Preparation made easy!

Want to know?: Secrets of scoring 25+ Marks in English Section of SBI Clerk Prelims 2021

RRB Clerk Prelims Free Mock

3.     Confident way

The difficulty level, competition, and the pressure to perform well in RRB Clerk Exams can take away the focus of some students who dream of cracking it. An aspirant can fail in answering questions he might know very well. Or he can be slow in answering a question that requires less time to get solved. This happens when students are gripped by a lack of self-confidence or anxiety.

Thus, after completing the syllabus and taking the mock test regularly, students can definitely overcome such issues. Many online platforms provide Mock Test Series which give you the actual appearance and feel of the actual RRB Clerk Exam 2021-22. It is advisable to take as many Mocks as possible to get injected with enough confidence.

RRB Clerk Prelims Free Mock

How to increase Speed and Accuracy via Mocks?

As we have discussed above, no tool is more important for you in checking your skills for the upcoming RRB Clerk Exam 2021-22 than the Mock Tests.  On one hand, you get aided in quick revision of the entire syllabus and on the other it lets you know about your strengths and weaknesses. It keeps track of the performance of every attempt made and helps in building your RRB Clerk Exam strategy.

Give at least 1 Mock every day, if you have taken 2 months to complete the syllabus. For instance, if you have completed your syllabus in 1 month, then, you need to give at least 2 Mock Tests daily. And that comes to a total of 30 Mock Tests.  One Mock Test is of 45 minutes. Thus, you will have to invest 90 minutes or 1.5 hours in Mock Tests. After giving every Mock Test, you should properly analyze it and work on your weaknesses and practice more.

Then you should compare the results and analysis of this Mock Test with the other one you are going to take after it. Thus, the more you invest in this real-time process, the more will the chances of getting an edge over other competitors.

RRB Clerk Prelims Free Mock


Don’t forget to take a good rest the night before beginning your studies and taking the Mock Test. It can affect your score in Mock tests and in the actual Exam as well. Sleep for at least 8 hours every day, and start an exercise routine.

Remember the adage, ‘A healthy brain and body invite success and a weak and feeble body invite failure, however hardworking or smart one may be.’

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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