4 Smart Tips to Master GA: RRB Clerk 2021
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As the RRB Clerk Prelims Exam 2021 is drawing near and near, you’d also be looking for ways to master the GA (General Awareness) Section for Mains Exam to contribute full GA marks to your overall RRB Clerk 2021 score!

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Well, scoring full marks in any section of the RRB Clerk Exam might be a dream of yours, like any other RRB Clerk candidate. And, it’s not an impossible task to reach close to that target. To make that sound easy, GA questions take less time as you don’t have to do any calculations and need not cross-check the questions mathematically for accuracy. You only need a few minutes to solve the questions. GA is surely a section where you can fetch maximum marks in no time. This section has 40 questions carrying 40 marks.

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So, if you can follow certain strategies with regularity and have a strong will, then you can surely accomplish it. As the PSCB Exam 2021 will very soon be knocking at your doors, let us focus on the GA Section in this article.

Before we jump on the 4 smart tips to master GA let’s first shed some light on how you can score maximum or full marks in the GA Section.

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Scoring Maximum Marks in General Awareness

You need to focus on three major parts of the GA (General Awareness) section to increase the chance of scoring maximum marks. They are:

  1. Static Awareness
  2. Banking & Insurance Awareness
  3. Financial Awareness

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Crucial Topics

The majority of questions in GA are based on some crucial topics that you mustn’t miss. Here are some important topics you must focus on:

Current Affairs

  • National awards and honors
  • International awards and honors
  • Summits and treaties
  • Books and authors
  • The currency of various countries
  • Science and technology
  • Capital and currency
  • Governance, schemes, and policies
  • International affairs
  • Sports

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General Knowledge

It is very important to cover all the general knowledge topics on which the questions can be based. Those important topics are:

  • Capitals
  • Important days
  • Census
  • Books and authors
  • Wildlife parks and sanctuaries

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Banking Awareness

  • Important Bank related terms
  • RBI and its functions
  • National income
  • World financial institutions – functions
  • Monetary policy
  • Financial markets
  • Financial committees
  • Recent banking updates
  • Financial sector regulators

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Here are the 4 smart tips by which you can equip yourself fully to score full marks in GA:

1. Cover all the topics sequence-wise

General Awareness is 40 marks. Hard work and time management are two important factors that can help you score more and more marks in the RRB Clerk Exam. It is most important for aspirants to evaluate the GA section smartly and devote proper time to each topic in the section.

Read the study material, or any news article or information keeping in mind the syllabus. And also try to cover the related topics but stay away from any diversions during the preparation of the General Awareness Section.


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2. Refer to previous years’ papers

Find out the types of questions asked in previous years. After going through them, you will get an idea about the types of questions that this section invites. By doing so, you can effectively improve your time-management skills by practicing the papers. Previous year’s question papers not only highlight your strengths and weaknesses but also prepare your mind for the extra difficulty level that they would face in the actual RRB Clerk Exam.

Although it is a brilliant idea to go through the previous year’s papers while preparing for RRB Clerk Exam 2021, you must also keep track of the latest syllabus. Download the previous year’s sample papers and practice from them. While solving the questions, you need to imagine as if you are appearing in the actual Exam. Try to solve the paper without taking breaks in between.


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3. Current Affair Books and E-Books

The emergence of the internet has given rise to many online platforms that facilitate the RRB Clerk aspirants with quality study materials in a user-friendly way. They offer books and articles on current affairs that cover almost all the big and important events that happened during the year that may influence the questions makers of the RRB Clerk Exam.

These EBooks can prove to be immensely valuable to you. Plus, these EBooks are made in such a way that all questions are explained easily and accompanied by in-depth analysis for better understanding.  They also come in handy for quick revision, as one-liner questions are also included in them.

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4. Follow Newspapers and Magazines  

Reading a newspaper daily is one of the most effective and traditional ways to get updated with the day-to-day events happening around us. It is also the cheapest source of all, and perhaps the best when it comes to General Awareness Section. Reading it daily will keep on updating the aspirants with trending topics happening in India and across the globe.

In addition, reading magazines, like India Today and The Outlook Etc. can also serve this purpose. Magazines can keep you updated about weekly, monthly, half-yearly, and annual events.

Keep assessing yourself from time to time for speedy and successful Exam preparation. By it, you will get to know your weak points and the time to make improvements before the Exam. Because you can’t make these changes in the Exam-time. Give Mock Tests as much as you can, and practice more.

After giving every Mock Test, analyze your weaknesses through wrong answers given, and revise them again. Mock Tests are the easiest, easily assessable, and most result-oriented method made for this purpose. Try them!

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With discipline and smart work, you will definitely get success in the upcoming RRB Clerk Exam 2021. Therefore, plan your daily targets and set a time frame for each and every topic of the GA section. Last but not least, practice via Mock Tests. It will that will give you an overview of the actual examination and the difficulty level of the general awareness section. It will make you confident to score well by highlighting your strengths and weaknesses, which you can improve, in time, before the actual examination.

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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