SSC CHSL 31 Days Time Table
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SSC CHSL 2022 notification is expected to be released today and thus the candidates must be ready for witnessing a change in the exam pattern. We will be updating the aspirants of any changes once the SSC CHSL recuitment notification gets released today. Meanwhile we are here for helping the aspirants by formulating a 31 days time table to crack SSC CHSL Tier 1 2022. We have tried to cover all important topics in this. So, candidates must buck up with their preparations before waiting for the notification to get released. Moreover, aspirants must start preparing for both SSC CHSL Tier 1 & Tier 2 exams simultaneously because we have often seen that once tier 1 is over not much time is left with the aspirants to prepare for Tier 2, thus its time to start preparing for both at the same time.

Holi Sale

Many of you must be wondering that is it possible to crack SSC CHSL Tier I exam in just 30 days. Though candidates must start preparing for their exams quite in advance, however if you haven’t started yet then the first and the foremost thing you should do is take a free mock test of SSC CHSL tier I that will guide you where to work on. Next comes a proper time table which is to be followed for next 30 days. In this article we are guiding aspirants on how to crack SSC CHSL Tier I exam in 30 days by providing them with a proper time table to be followed or you can say a 30 days study plan. So, have a look below:

SSC CHSL Tier I 2022 free mock test

SSC CHSL Tier I Exam Pattern

SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum Marks
General Intelligence Reasoning2550
General Awareness2550
Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skills)2550
English Comprehension2550

NOTE: This exam pattern is based on previous year’s SSC CHSL notification. Any changes in this will be updated to the aspirants once the notification is released.

SSC CHSL Tier I 2022 free mock test

SSC CHSL 30 Day Study Plan

DayTask 1Task 2Task 3
Day 1Direction Sense & PolitySimplificationSSC CHSL Tier I free mock test
Day 2Coding-DecodingTrigonometry & Basics of GrammarSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 01
Day 3English QuizReasoning QuizSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 02
Day 4Divisibility & Remainders,English Mini MockSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 03
Day 5Roots, Square & CubesIndicesPolity & EconomicsSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 04
Day 6Tenses, Idioms & PhrasesAnalogy & Number SeriesSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 05
Day 7Blood RelationsInput-OutputAlgebraHeights & DistanceSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 06
Day 8Age Problem
GeometryAllegation & Mixtures
Active – PassiveDirect – IndirectSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 07
Day 9SyllogismInequalitiesGeographyHistory & ScienceSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 08
Day 10Age Problem
GeometryHeights & Distance
English QuizSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 09
Day 11Profit & LossTime & Work & Boat & StreamStatements & ConclusionsInput-OutputSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 10
Day 12Percentage
MensurationSI & CI
Synonyms & AntonymsSpotting Errors & Vocabulary
SSC CHSL Tier I mock test 11
Day 13Quants QuizCurrent Affairs & ScienceSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 12
Day 14Permutation and CombinationHCF & LCMCurrent Affairs, History & PolitySSC CHSL Tier I mock test 13
Day 15Syllogism, Ramking & Coding-DecodingDivisibility & RemaindersRoots, Square & CubesSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 14
Day 16Blood Relations, Direction SenseCurrent AffairsSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 15
Day 17Geography, Current Affairs, ScienceIdioms & PhrasesCloze Test, Spotting ErrorsSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 16
Day 18SyllogismInequalities, RankingSI & CI
PuzzlesPermutation and Combination
SSC CHSL Tier I mock test 17
Day 19Polity, Economics, Current AffairsDirection SenseNumber SeriesSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 18
Day 20Roots, Square & CubesTrigonometryRatio & ProportionCurrent AffairsSSC CHSL Tier I mock test 19
Day 21SSC CHSL Tier I mock test 20Current Affairs QuizReasoning Mini Mock
Day 22Articles & SimplificationAssumptions & Directions, PuzzlesDirection Sense, Coding Decoding
Day 23Quant Mini MockPolity & Number SeriesEnglish Quizzes
Day 24Syllogism, Inequalities, RankingSynonyms & Antonyms, Spotting ErrorsCoding-Decoding
Day 25Number SystemReading ComprehensionGeography, Current Affairs, Science
Day 26Current Affairs & Current Affairs QuizSimplification, Age Problem
Analyis of your weak areas
Day 27Cloze Test, Para JumblesPercentage
Reasoning Quiz
Day 28InequalitiesSI & CI
Current Affairs & Current Affairs Quiz
Day 29English Mini MockReasoning Mini MockQuant Mini Mock
Day 30Articles & SimplificationRatio & ProportionEnglish Quiz & Mini Mock
Day 31Assumptions & Directions, PuzzlesDivisibility & Remainders, Roots, Square & CubesBlood Relations, Direction Sense

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