30 Day Study Plan-NIACL AO-
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NIACL AO Study Plan: One of the biggest and well-known insurance companies in India, NIACL (New India Assurance Company Limited) conducts AO Exam for generalist and specialist administrative officers. Thousands of aspirants compete for AO Exam, every year. Recently, NIACL released notification for 300 vacancies of Administrative Officers (Generalists). The NIACL AO (Generalist) (Scale 1) exam for Phase I will be conducted on October 16, 2021.

Holi Sale

The NIACL AO Exam 2021 Exam dates are still not out, but you have the time for many preparatory options and plans. In this article, we are supplying you with a compact 30-Day Study plan to cover all the topics that make up the NIACL AO 2021 Syllabus.

But before moving on to the study plan, let us throw some light on the prelims Exam pattern!

NIACL AO Exam Pattern

As per the NIACL, the selection process of a candidate is based on the four recruitment stages given below:

Preliminary Stage

This stage of the recruitment process consists of three sections, English language, quantitative aptitude, and reasoning ability. The exam is conducted in online mode, with objective-type questions carrying a total score of 100 Marks.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
English Language303020 minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes (1 hour)

30 Day Study Plan-NIACL AO 2021

NIACL AO 2021 Study Plan for Prelims

Reasoning AbilityQuantitative AptitudeEnglish Language
Day 1-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement-Simplification and approx.-RC & Vocab
Day 2-Order and Ranking-Data Interpretation-Practice Grammar
Day 3Puzzle And Seating Arrangement-Number Series-RC & Vocab
Day 4Order and RankingData Interpretation-Practice Grammar
Day 5-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement-Quadratic Equation-RC & Vocab
Day 6-Coding and DecodingSimplification and approx.-Practice Grammar
Day 7-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement-Data Interpretation-RC & Vocab
Day 8-Coding and Decoding-Number Series-Grammar Topic practice
Day 9-Coding and Decoding Analytical Reasoning-Data Interpretation
-RC & Vocab
Day 10-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement-Data Interpretation-Practice Grammar
Day 11-Alpha-Numeric
-Symbol Series Puzzle
-Quadratic Equation
-RC + Vocab
Day 12-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement-Simplification and Approx.-Practice Grammar
Day 13-Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series Data Sufficiency-Data Interpretation
-HCF and LCM
-Grammar Topic practice RC + Vocab
Day 14-Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series-Percentage-Practice Grammar
Day 15-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement-Percentage-RC + Vocab
Day 16-Syllogism Arrangement-Data Interpretation Number System-Practice Grammar
Day 17-Syllogism Data Sufficiency-Profit and Loss-RC + Vocab
Day 18Syllogism Puzzle And SeatingData InterpretationPractice Grammar
Day 19-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement-Ratio and Proportion-RC & Vocab
Day 20-Coded Inequality-Data Interpretation-Practice Grammar
Day 21-Coded Inequality-Partnership-RC & Vocab
Day 22-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement-Data Interpretation-Practice Grammar
Day 23-Input & Output-Age-RC & Vocab
Day 24-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement-Data Interpretation-Practice Grammar
Day 25-Input & Output-Data Interpretation-RC & Vocab
Day 26-Input & Output Analytical Reasoning-Mixture and Allegations Data Interpretation Pipe and Cistern-RC & Vocab
Practice Grammar
Day 27-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement-Mixture and Allegations-RC & Vocab
Day 28-Blood Relation
-Analytical Reasoning
-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement    

Mock Test
-Data Interpretation
-Data Interpretation
-Time & Work    

Mock Test
-Practice Grammar
-RC & Vocab

Mock Test
Day 29-Blood Relation Distance and Direction
-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement
-SI & CI
-Data Interpretation Boats and Stream
-RC & Vocab
-Vocab Practice Grammar
Day 30-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement
-Distance and Direction
-Puzzle And Seating Arrangement  
-Average Data Interpretation TSD-Practice Grammar
-RC & Vocab

Revision via Mock Tests

With hard and smart work coupled with regular Mock Tests, you will definitely taste success in the upcoming NIACL AO Exam. Therefore, follow the study plan strictly if you are a job goer and have only a month or two with you for the Exam preparation. Otherwise, you should take help from it and make your own study plan in this very pattern. But don’t forget that planning and proper implementation of that planning with a clear-cut strategy are very crucial for NIACL AO Exam success.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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