Dear candidates, there are only 33 days left for IBPS PO Exam to knock at your doors! This year, more online applications have poured in. As the competition is going to be very tough, we have come with a 3-day Preparation plan to help you clear the IBPS PO Prelims exam in 30 days. This plan will greatly help those candidates who have already got a taste of the syllabus and now want to revise the entire syllabus before the arrival of the exam.
Before moving further, it should be noted that completing the entire syllabus from the beginning is somewhat an impossible task. But if you are a super-busy job-goer and can dedicatedly and smartly invest only 30-days in the IBPS PO preparation, you can achieve this goal.
If you too are aiming to clear this year’s IBPS PO exam, then you will have to keep in mind the:
And to help you cover every topic of the exam in just 30 days, we have come up with a 30-day study plan that can equip you with the knowledge to secure a better ranking in the examination.
Before jumping over to the study plan you should take a look at the exam pattern of the IBPS PO Exam 2021. The selection process of IBPS PO includes a Preliminary Exam and a Mains Exam. The preliminary exam is an objective type online examination of 100 marks.
Given below is the 30-day study schedule for the three subjects:
Note: This study plan is not a perfect study plan. It is a format that you can take help from while making your own, as every candidate has his or her own preparation style and way of learning. It covers all the topics that the IBPS PO Exam invites in the form of questions.
Know the syllabus and the exam pattern. Find out which topics are easy and those that are tough and invest your time and energy into it accordingly. Since there are 32 days left for the exam, you can still focus on weaker areas and in sharpening your strengths. Keep reading English newspapers or a magazine to increase your reading speed and build vocabulary.
Revise concepts and solve basic questions and Keep reading the newspaper and magazines. Tests yourself via Mock Tests.
By the 11th day, you may have acquired basic knowledge of all the topics and have improved your reading speed. Start giving full-length and sectional Mock Tests and Keep improving your reading speed. Revise all that you have learned!
By now you may have improved in the sections you were weak in. Now is the time to work on your speed. Leave out the sections you’re still weak in or are not confident in. You should focus on questions you can solve quickly, confidently, and correctly. Analyze your performance via PracticeMock’s Mock Tests and identify questions that are taking up most of your time. Try to solve maximum questions from that section and keep improving your solving speed. Build up your vocabulary every day, and read the newspaper. Reading will help you in going through the question quickly and saving time that can be invested in not just the answer to that very question but also in other questions. This will help you in solving 4-5 more questions than you could normally do.
Take as many Mock Tests as you can.
In these 10 days, you should decrease your Mock Test attempts to three Mock Tests per week. Do a full revision of the concepts of all the topics that you have studied in the last 20 days. Examine all the Mock Tests you attempted earlier to analyze your performance. It is recommended to reattempt the Mock Tests where your performance is not good.
Do not take any Mock Tests on the last day. Glance through some previous Mocks Tests to get make any minute changes in the exam strategy the next day. Avoid studying on the last day. Keep your mind relaxed and take enough rest. You should have faith in your exam preparation and give your best in the exam.
We recommend you to regularly take Mock Tests after covering every topic in the table mentioned above. IBPS PO Mock Tests, as you might be knowing, closely imitate the actual IBPS PO Exam, providing you with all sorts of questions, covering every topic from the updated syllabus. It will help you in understanding the exact patterns of questions that the actual IBPS PO Exam tests students with. It will inject in you the idea about the correct amount of time needed to deal with the different sections of an IBPS PO Exam 2021. Hence, it will help you in completing all the topics/subjects from the syllabus and will prepare you in a way that you will be able to answer all sorts of questions of every level in the upcoming IBPS PO Exam 2021.
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