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3-Day Revision Plan for RRB Clerk Prelims 2021

As there are very few days left for the advent of the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2021, you have to accelerate and redouble the revision process in the least time to ensure you score maximum marks in the Exam.

And that is the main purpose of this article!

Before we come straightaway to the quick revision plan, let’s revisit the IBPS RRB Prelims Exam 2021 Pattern.

Read: RRB Clerk Syllabus 2021: Detailed Exam Pattern & Syllabus

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Time to Have a Relook!

Keep in mind that you will get a composite time of 45 minutes to complete two sections namely, Reasoning and Numerical Ability. In doing so you need to make sure you clear the cut-off of each section, which is decided by the IBPS on the basis of the level of difficulty of the paper.

S. No.SectionQuestionMarksDuration
1Reasoning4040Composite Time of
45 minutes
2Numerical Ability4040

Note: Numerical ability is almost similar to QA (Quantitative aptitude), with the only difference being that it consists of only the numerical questions, as the work ‘Numerical’ suggests. NA (Numerical Ability) is relatively easier to prepare for NA than QA. NA normally is a part of clerical level exams, while NA becomes QA in exams for higher posts, like officers in Scale-II and Bank PO, etc.

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IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2021-Expected Questions/Topics

1. Numerical Ability

Given below are some important NA topics that you can expect in the IBPS RRB and can never afford to ignore:

Simplification/Approximation:*Expected No. of Questions: 10-15
Quadratic EquationRoot comparison of quadratic equations

*Expected No. of Questions: 5*
Number SeriesMissing Number Series or Wrong Number Series

*Expected No. of Questions: 4-5
Data InterpretationQuestions based on:
-Pie chart
-Line Chart
-Bar Graph
-Radar Graph
-Missing DI, etc.

*Expected No. of Questions: 10
ArithmeticQuestions based on topics like:
-Age-based problems,
-Profit, Loss, and Discount
-Simple and Compound Interest
-Time, Work, and Wages
-Mixture and Allegation
-Speed, Time, and Distance
-Pipes and Cisterns
-Ratio and Averages

*Expected No. of Questions: 9-15
Note: The Expected No. of Questions only reflect the importance of the topics.

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2. Reasoning Ability

Given below are some important Reasoning topics that you can expect in the IBPS RRB and can never afford to ignore:

SyllogismQuestions based on the new pattern like, ‘Only/Only a few’ and old pattern.

*Expected No. of Questions: 4-5
InequalityCoded or Direct Inequality based questions

*Expected No. of Questions: 4-5
Puzzles and Seating ArrangementLinear/Circular/Square type Arrangement Floor based, Scheduling and Tabulation Puzzles

*Expected No. of Questions: 9-15
Alphanumeric Series/Alphabet Test-Series based on the letter, number, symbols, word, mixed series, etc.
-Single Questions – Word F/B, Meaning Full Word, etc.

*Expected No. of Questions: 4-5
Coding-DecodingQuestions are usually based on fictitious language coding-decoding

*Expected No. of Questions: 5
Miscellaneous Questions (Blood Relations, Direction sense, Order and Ranking)*Expected No. of Questions: 6-10
Note: The Expected No. of Questions only reflect the importance of the topics.

Read & know: 5 Secrets of Scoring 25+ Marks in English-IBPS Clerk 2021 Prelims

3-Day Revision Strategy for IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2021

The 3-day revision plan has been divided into 3 tasks. Each day comprises topics that you must revise effectively to speed up your exam revision. The topics given in boxes are from Numerical Ability and Reasoning.

Follow the day-wise revision plan given below to accelerate your RRB Clerk prelims exam preparation, and fetch good marks.

Begin day one of the revision by covering all the topics given in the box below:

Day 1-Task 1

Day 1-Coding-Decoding
-Data Interpretation
-Alphanumeric Series
-Direction & Distance
-Average & Percentage
-Blood Relation
-Ratio & Proportion
-Number Series
-Number SystemPuzzles
-Quadratic Equation
-Seating Arrangement
-Work & Time
-Problems on Ages
-Machine Input Output
-Simple and Compound Interest
-Statement & Course of Action
-Statement & Assumptions
-Statement and Arguments
-Passage and Conclusion
-Time and WorkProbability
-HCF & LCMAssertion and Reason

Note: Revise all the topics from the table given above again at the end of the day to master them.

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Day 2-Task 2

Start the second day by covering the topics below with a more detailed and determined approach:

Day 2-Analogy
-Square and Cube Roots
-Decimal Fractions
-Problems on Averages
-Decision Making
-Statement & Conclusion
-Time, Speed & Distance
-Figure Series
-Order Figures
-Linear Arrangement
-Data Tables
-Mixture and Allegation
-Permutation and Combination Revise Seating Arrangement, Syllogism, and Averages


Day 3-Task 3

Dedicate the last week to revising lesser important topics and revising the important ones, Follow last week’s exam routine shared below to boost your exam preparation.

-Data Interpretation, Number System and Puzzles
-Attempt Mock Test to cover Difficult Topics
-Ranking & Series
-Circular Seating Arrangement
-Problems on Wages
-Pipes & Cisterns
-Order and Ranking
-Arrangement and Pattern
-Mix Puzzle
-Grouping & Scheduling
-Direction SenseCauses & Effects
-Revise Logical Reasoning, Seating Arrangement & Ratio & Proportion
-Revise all the Topics from Quantitative Aptitude


Take A Mock Test Every Day

After completing every box given above, you should attempt a Mock Test or two and should focus on enhancing your question-solving speed, accuracy while practicing. This will give you a quick overview of your preparation for the numerical ability and reasoning section. This will also keep on injecting confidence and positivity in you to perform the best you can in the upcoming IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2021.


Section-wise Strategies to ace each section

Boost your Numerical Ability/Quantitative Aptitude

To some candidates, QA can be the trickiest section of the two sections they will have to face. The numerical ability section demands calculation and the use of formulas, which may make it challenging for most candidates.

To ace the NA (Numerical Ability) section revision, you must:

  • Revise the tricks that you may have learned to solve questions like simplification, quadratic equations, number series, approximation, and others. Focus a little more on these time-saving tricks as they can shorten the lengthy calculations and save a lot of your time in the coming exam. Thus, you can invest that saved time to solving other complicated problems.
  • Test you tricks by attempting as many Mock Tests as possible. This way, you can analyse your performance and will get to know whether the formulas being applied are useful or not. This will also help you in improving their mistakes before the IBPS RRB Exam 2021.

Boost your Reasoning ability

To ace the RA (Reasoning ability) section revision, you must:

  • Invest extra revision time on important reasoning ability topics like seating arrangement and puzzles, as they carry maximum weightage in the reasoning ability section.
  • Revise attempting Mock Tests to test yourself with difficulty level of the type of reasoning ability questions that are going to come in the coming exam.


Last & Final Trick To Cover all the Topics in last 3 Days

Invest half day to the Reasoning Ability Section and half to the Numerical Ability/ Quantitative Aptitude Section. Dedicate the first half of the day to RA section and the other half to the QA section. You must strictly follow the schedule for 3 days, starting from today, as there are few days left for any new experiment or any laziness. Don’t forget, after covering the topics from every box given above, you must attempt at least one Mock Test.  Revise your notes. And success will follow!

Best of luck!

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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