IBPS PO Mains Revision Plan
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IBPS PO mains 2022 exam is scheduled for 26th Nov, 2022 which is just around the corner. Here we are with a 12 days revision plan for the upcoming IBPS PO mains exam. Candidates can follow the below mentioned revision plan and can achieve desired results by clearing the upcoming IBPS PO mains 2022.

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12 Days IBPS PO Mains Revision Plan

DateTask 1Task 2
14th NovIBPS PO Mains Free Mock Test 1 + AnalysisSpotting Errors, Analogy, Classification, Word formation
15th NovSentence Improvement + Vocabulary +Series (Missing No. + Alphanumeric)
16th NovIBPS PO Mains Mock Test 2 + AnalysisPara Jumbles + VocabCoding-Decoding
17th NovFiller + Vocab, Blood RelationsSyllogism, Data Interpretation
18th NovIBPS PO Mains Mock Test 3 + Analysis Simplification, VocabBlood Relations, Input/output, Assertion and reasoning, Inequalities
19th NovLine Charts, Pie Chart, Bar Charts, Tabular DataDecision-making test, Puzzles
20th NovProbability, Series, Quantitative AptitudeFigure series, Seating Arrangement
21st NovIBPS PO Mains Mock Test 4, Sentence Correction + Vocabulary
Close Passages, Passage completion, Direction Sense
22nd NovCloze Test + Vocab, SyllogismParts of Speech, Order and Ranking
23rd NovIBPS PO Mains Mock Test 5, Permutations & CombinationsIBPS PO Mains Mock Test 6 + Analysis
24th NovIBPS PO Mains Mock Test 7 + AnalysisIBPS PO Mains Mock Test 8 + Analysis
25th NovIBPS PO Mains Mock Test 9 + Solve questions with wrong attemptsIBPS PO Mains Mock Test 10 + Solve questions with wrong attempts

This brings us to the end of the article. Make sure that you follow this revision plan and prepare well for the upcoming exam of IBPS PO Mains 2022.

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