IBPS SO 2023 exam notification was out recently and as per the notification the IBPS SO prelims exam is expected to happen on 30th December 2023 thereby candidates have enough time to prepare for the exam. However, one must start the exam preparation from today itself. As we know that the last date for applying online is now over, so its time to start focusing on the exam preparation which is why we are here with 100 Days Exam Preparation Strategy IBPS SO Prelims 2023. As per the exam dates there are almost 4 months left for the exam to commence. PracticeMock is ready with a free mock test for all the candidates those who are willing to appear for the exam this year. Let’s check out other important details related to the IBPS SO exam.
IBPS SO Prelims 2023 Free Mock Test
S No | Section | No. of Questions | Total Marks | Duration |
1. | Reasoning | 50 | 50 | 40 minutes |
2. | English Language | 50 | 25 | 40 minutes |
3. | General Awareness with Special Reference to Banking Industry | 50 | 50 | 40 minutes |
Total | 150 | 125 |
S No | Section | No. of Questions | Total Marks | Duration |
1. | Reasoning | 50 | 50 | 40 minutes |
2. | English Language | 50 | 25 | 40 minutes |
3. | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | 40 minutes |
Total | 150 | 125 |
This study plan can be used well to revise for the IBPS SO prelims exam specifically. We have even incorporated mock tests at regular intervals so that candidates must keep practicing side by side and gradually move onto different topics allotting sufficient time of the day.
Day | Task 1` | Task 2 |
Day 1 | IBPS SO Prelims Free Mock Test | Analyze your mock test performance |
Day 2 | Seating Arrangement concept | Number Series Concept |
Day 3 | Reasoning Puzzles Concepts | Reading Comprehension Concept |
Day 4 | IBPS SO Prelims 01 Mock Test | Analyze your mock test performance |
Day 5 | Simplification/ Approximation Concepts | Cloze Test Concept |
Day 6 | Error Spotting Concepts | Inequality Concepts |
Day 7 | IBPS SO Prelims 02 Mock Test | Analyze your mock test performance |
Day 8 | Syllogism Concepts | Sentence Improvement/ Correction Concepts |
Day 9 | Input-Output Concepts | DI – Table level 1, and 2 |
Day 10 | IBPS SO Prelims 03 Mock Test | Analyze your mock test performance |
Day 11 | Data Sufficiency Concepts | Vocabulary |
Day 12 | Quadratic Equations Concepts | Permutation and Combination Concept |
Day 13 | IBPS SO Prelims 04 Mock Test | Analyze your mock test performance |
Day 14 | Averages, Mixtures and Alligation Concepts | Quantity Comparison Concept |
Day 15 | Coding-Decoding | Profit & Loss Concepts |
Day 16 | IBPS SO Prelims 05 Mock Test | Analyze your mock test performance |
Day 17 | Mensuration | Simple & Compound Interest Concepts |
Day 18 | Time, Speed & Distance Concepts | Sentence Improvement/ Correction Concepts |
Day 19 | IBPS SO Prelims 06 Mock Test | Analyze your mock test performance |
Day 20 | Critical Reasoning Concepts | Blood Relations Concept |
Day 21 | Direction Sense Concept | Order And Ranking Concept |
Day 22 | Percentages & Partnership Concepts | Ratio & Proportion Concepts |
Day 23 | IBPS SO Prelims 7 Mock Test | Analyze your mock test performance |
Day 24 | Time & Work Concepts | Reading Comprehension Concept |
Day 25 | Cloze Test Concept | Probability Concepts |
Day 26 | Alphanumeric Series Concepts | Error Spotting Concepts |
Day 27 | Inequality Concepts | Para-jumbles Concepts |
Day 28 | Syllogism Concepts | Permutation and Combination Concept |
Day 29 | Fillers Concept | Data Interpretation |
Day 30 | Data Sufficiency Concepts | Sentence Joining |
Day 31 | DI – Caselets | Vocabulary |
Day 32 | IBPS SO Prelims 8 Mock Test | Analyze your mock test performance |
Day 33 | Averages, Mixtures and Alligation Concepts | Quantity Comparison |
Day 34 | Coding-Decoding | Profit & Loss Concepts |
Day 35 | Mensuration | Analytical Reasoning |
Day 36 | Simple & Compound Interest Concepts | Sentence Improvement/ Correction Concepts |
Day 37 | IBPS SO Prelims 9 Mock Test | Analyze your mock test performance |
Day 38 | Critical Reasoning Concepts | Blood Relations Concept |
Day 39 | Sentence Joining | Vocabulary |
Day 40 | Syllogism Concepts | Para-jumbles Concepts |
Day 41 | Input-Output Concepts | Data Sufficiency Concepts |
Day 42 | DI Graph & Chart | Coding Decoding |
Day 43 | DI Caselets | Quadratic Equations Concepts |
Day 44 | IBPS SO Prelims 10 Mock Test | Analyze your mock test performance |
Day 45 | Alphanumeric Series Concepts | Problems on Ages Concepts |
Day 46 | Probability Concepts | Simplification/ Approximation Concepts |
Day 47 | Practice Quant topic test | Practice Reasoning topic test |
Day 48 | Practice English topic test | Mensuration |
Day 49 | Coding and Decoding | Profit and Loss |
Day 50 | Sums based on Quantity | Practice Quant Miscellaneous Questions |
Day 51 | Logical Miscellaneous | Practice Reasoning Miscellaneous Questions |
Day 52 | Simplification | Synonyms, Antonyms |
Day 53 | Mixed Puzzles | Rate of Interest, Time, Speed & Work |
Day 54 | Practice Mock Tests + Analysis | Practice Mock Tests + Analysis |
Day 55 | Word Replacement | Reading Comprehension, essay writing |
Day 56 | Practice English topic test | Practice Quant topic test |
Day 57 | Practice Reasoning topic test | Data Interpretation |
Day 58 | Rate of Interest, Mixtures | Circular Arrangement |
Day 59 | Pipes and Cisterns, Averages | Syllogism, Input Output |
Day 60 | Banking Affairs of July | Banking Affairs of August |
Day 61 | Line Graph DI and Pie Chart DI | sentence based error |
Day 62 | Inequality, Simplification | Schemes & Committees of August |
Day 63 | International Affairs of August | Ranks & Reports |
Day 64 | Miscellaneous | Mix DI and Caselet |
Day 65 | Practice Set | Practice Set |
Day 66 | Approximation | Summits & conferences |
Day 67 | Awards & Recognition | Seating Arrangement, Inequality |
Day 68 | Arithmetic | cloze test, word swap |
Day 69 | Quadratic Inequalities | Blood Relation, Puzzles |
Day 70 | Sports Affairs of August | State News |
Day 71 | Reasoning Puzzles Concepts | Percentages & Partnership Practice Test |
Day 72 | Order & Ranking Practice Test | Seating Arrangements Concept |
Day 73 | Simplification/ Approximation Concepts | Probability Concepts |
Day 74 | Cloze Test Concept | Alphanumeric Series Practice |
Day 75 | Permutation and Combination Practice Test | DI – Table level 1, and 2 |
Day 76 | Defence Affairs | Summits & conferences |
Day 77 | Practice Set | Practice Set |
Day 78 | Practice Reasoning Quiz | Practice English Quiz |
Day 79 | Practice Quant Quiz | Direction, Miscellaneous |
Day 80 | Vocabulary | Banking Affairs |
Day 81 | Business News | Agreements & MoUs |
Day 82 | Reading comprehension | DI – Table level 1, and 2 |
Day 83 | Ranks & Reports | Practice Set |
Day 84 | Missing Series | Rearranging Sentences, Narration |
Day 85 | Practice Mock Tests + Analysis | Practice Mock Tests + Analysis |
Day 86 | Linear Equations, Probability | Practice Full length mock test to analyze your preparation |
Day 87 | Input Output | Idioms and Phrases |
Day 88 | Practice Previous Year paper | Practice Previous Year paper |
Day 89 | Parts of Speech, Articles | Series, Pattern |
Day 90 | Business News | Practice Full length mock test to analyze your preparation |
Day 91 | Banking Affairs | Defence Affairs |
Day 92 | International Affairs | Practice Previous Year paper |
Day 93 | Practice Full length mock test to analyze your preparation | Syllogism |
Day 94 | Appointments & Resignation | Schemes & Committees |
Day 95 | Order-Ranking | Practice Full length mock test to analyze your preparation |
Day 96 | Wrong Series | double fillers |
Day 97 | Practice English topic wise test | Practice Quant Miscellaneous Questions |
Day 98 | Practice Full length mock test to analyze your preparation | State News |
Day 99 | Practice Reasoning topic wise test | Sports Affairs |
Day 100 | Practice Quant topic wise test | Practice Full length mock test to analyze your preparation |
As with the above IBPS SO study plan it can be clearly seen that it is always recommended to practice mock tests in between your exam preparation. Taking mock tests will boost your confidence about knowing each and every concept/topic which you are studying as without practice it does not solve any purpose.
Importance of Taking Mock Tests & How to Analyze it Well
As far as analyzing of the mock tests are concerned, no mock test should be left un-analyzed. Mentioned below are few ways as how you can properly analyze your mock tests.
This brings us to the end of this 100 Days Exam Preparation Strategy IBPS SO Prelims 2023. Stay tuned for timely updates related to the IBPS SO 2023 exam.
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