10 Tips to Crack SSC CHSL in First Attempt without Coaching
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How’s your preparation & revision of SSC CHSL 2020 Tier I exam going on? Now that only 25 days are left in the exam, it better be good. Please keep in mind that the eligibility criteria for this exam is class 12th pass which means that there would be a lot of competition as for a majority of exams (like Bank PO, SSC CGL etc.) the eligibility criteria is graduation. You need to improvise on your preparation accordingly so as to beat this competition, and do it without the assistance of any coaching. In this article, we have come up with 10 important tips which would be immensely helpful in your preparation. Have a look:

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Tip 1: Stay Up-to-date with Exam Pattern & the Syllabus

Nothing can shock you more than reaching the exam centre and finding a surprise in the exam pattern. So it’s all-the-more beneficial for you that you refer to the official notification and get all the minute details on the exam pattern including the number of sections, number of questions, maximum marks, exam duration, the time allowed, cut-off etc.

The next important thing is knowing the exam syllabus. And more importantly, knowing the easy & moderate topics in all the 4 sections. Be proficient with all these easy & moderate topics. Don’t go by the readymade list of easy topics as sometimes it may happen that a particular topic is easy for others but it may be difficult for you. Make your own list and start practicing questions on them.

Tip 2: Time Management & Planning

Did you know that there is no sectional timing in SSC CHSL 2020 Tier I? This means that you are free to switch between these sections: General Intelligence, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) & English Language (Basic Knowledge). This simply suggests that you should do prior practice in an environment of limited time. There are total 100 questions of maximum marks of 200 for which you are given 3600 seconds. So ideally speaking, you have around 36 seconds to answer a single question. But looking from it at another angle, you don’t necessarily need to solve all the questions. So you get a little more than 36 seconds for a single question. Keep all these facts in mind when practising mock tests.

Tip 4: Practicing is Vital to Your Success in this Exam

If you would have checked the mock tests of SSC CHSL, you would have realized that the questions are a bit easy when compared with banking exams. However, slightly easy questions mean that the cut-offs will be high so you can’t be on the back foot on this one. We strongly suggest that you start practising the questions of different topics and solve at least 100 questions on each topic. Solving these many questions will help you get acquainted with different types of questions from the same topic. And at the same time, as you solve these many questions, you will get proficient in using shortcuts, thus saving your time. Dedicate at least 6-7 hours towards the preparation of this exam without fail.

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Tip 5: Use Shortcuts to Improve Your Performance

There are plenty of shortcuts available on online videos on each of the topics of each of the sections of SSC CHSL. Have a look at them, understand them and incorporate them while practising. You will notice an improvement in your performance. Please note that it’s extremely important to understand a shortcut before starting to use it. If you don’t understand the working of a shortcut, and the question is a little bit twisted, you may end up answering the question incorrectly.

Tip 6: Focus on the Cut-offs

Did you know that there isn’t any sectional cut-off in SSC CHSL 2020 Tier I? This means that your total score must exceed the cut-offs declared by SSC. A good way to check your your performance is to solve a previous year question paper within the set time limit and see if you are able to surpass that year’s cut-off. Know the previous years’ cut-offs beforehand as well.

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Tip 7: Consider Negative Marking & Avoid Guessing the Answers

Unlike other competitive exams where the negative marking is only 0.25 mark, SSC CHSL exam has a negative marking of 0.50 mark which is just double. So you need to be doubly sure of any question which you are going to answer. When it comes to general awareness questions, you can guess a little bit but don’t blindly answer the questions of General Intelligence, Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) & English Language (Basic Knowledge) as it may severely affect your score.

Tip 8: Start Practicing with Mock Tests

This is one step you can’t miss if you want to clear SSC CHSL exam. After you have followed all the above tips, start taking mock tests rigorously. Since these Tests have a time limit and will follow the exam pattern. So when you solve a mock test, you will receive a detailed analysis of your performance. Working on the analysis will definitely improve your performance, thereby increasing your confidence as well.

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Tip 9: Don’t Leave the General Awareness Section for the Last

General Awareness is a scoring topic, in the sense that these questions don’t need any calculation. You can just have a look at the question and in an instant know whether you know the answer or not. It all depends on your prior preparation. We strongly recommend that you start its preparation right away as its syllabus literally doesn’t have any limit. Use Weekly Current Affairs PDFs for a systematic preparation.

Tip 10: Stay Calm & Composed

Last but not least, don’t get overstressed. A little bit of stress is alright & keeps you watchful on your preparation. But too much stress & pressure will not work in your favour. It may even affect your performance. So keep working on the analysis of mock tests to improve your performance. Your improved performance will fetch you a better score which will ultimately increase your confidence and will help you maintain your composure.

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This is all from us in this article. If you follow these 10 tips, you will definitely be able to clear SSC CHSL without the assistance of any coaching. We have covered all the points from preparation to practising in this article and if you follow these tips, we are sure that you will be able to clear this exam.

Wishing you good luck with your preparation!

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