SBI Clerk

10 Habits of SBI Clerk Toppers

Are you aiming to top the SBI Clerk Exam on the very first attempt of the SBI Clerk Exam? In a country as big as India, millions of students think the same. But you have to do more than just think and believe in yourself that you can do it, as it is achievable! But to achieve this achievable you have to follow those who have already stepped over this landmark, the previous year’s Toppers. Because, they have faced it already and practically, and have nailed it in the past.  

But, have you ever thought about how they were able to achieve that milestone?

Well, this article will delve into their habits. The secrets, you too knew but might have believed those habits were just the same dos and don’ts of competitive exams teachers keep reminding you about. And so, you may not have followed them, as the Toppers did, and might have ignored, knowingly or unknowingly, mistaking them as some general habits that you already knew and couldn’t follow.

This article is going to delve into how they worked smarter rather than harder, got good grades, and also had time for the things they enjoyed and found meaningful. All you have to do is adopt these 10 Habits of SBI Clerk Toppers to add your name to their list.

Here are the 10 habits that the Toppers themselves have mentioned in  their interviews on various platforms, so I promise these habits will not just work but can do wonders in the upcoming SBI Clerk Exam 2021, for any dedicated student:

1. Allotting time via early exam pattern overview

The moment they decide they want to go for SBI Clerk Exam, Topper determines important topics or chapters for every subject paper by going through previous years’ question papers and sample papers. Once, they make a list of important topics, it becomes very easy for them to prioritize. They mark heavy topics while preparing for the examination and allot more time for their preparation.

2. Preparing short notes for quick revision

Toppers prepare notes on every topic or subject they cover. So, you need to maintain a separate notebook or diary for a separate subject and prepare separate notes for each chapter. Try to make comprehensive notes and cover important keywords from each sub-heading of the chapter. You will need this notebook as a ready reckoner when you need to revise the syllabus in a quick time.

3. Underlining and highlighting

Toppers use highlighting and underlining important information to make notes or to revisit it later without wasting time. The exercise improves your ability to memorize.

4. Attempting all past years’ papers & Memorizing and practicing formulas and short-cuts

By attempting past years’ papers, you get a clear idea of what sort of questions are being asked.  When you practice it, make sure you practice these questions many times as they are most likely to come again. Toppers learn formulas by heart and have techniques to make it easy.

To counter questions on reasoning ability and numerical ability, it is essential to create formula lists and stick them in front of the study room wall or on your study table to easily revisit them.

5. Mixing and matching the subjects with cheat code for topping

You need to prepare a balanced study schedule. This is another cheat code for topping the SBI Clerk Exam. Like toppers, you need to prepare your study schedule smartly and follow it rigorously. Always try to balance tough subjects with lighter subjects or topics to not feel exhausted early in the very beginning of your daily preparation.

Topper’s mix and match the subjects to enjoy their studies. And this way, they stay away from monotony.

6. Concentrating on complete syllabus and Best Books

Toppers know very well that sufficient study material in the form of best books is needed to cover the syllabus for outstanding preparation. And preparation like that invites outstanding results. No one can top an exam with bad books. Similarly, a bad preparation with an incomplete syllabus always leads to failure.

You need to have a good overview of the SBI Clerk exam to help yourself figure out how you can start and complete your preparation properly for the updated syllabus set by SBI. And, for that, you need to keep in mind all the minute things that make a big difference in creating a plan to beat the upcoming SBI Clerk Exam 2021.

7. Willing to top the SBI Clerk Exam

 Toppers have a strong will to perform well. Toppers don’t appear from anywhere with little urge to perform well and to the best of their abilities. They have a perfect roadmap to success in their minds, on their notebooks, and sometimes it’s literally written on their faces. That is to say, they show confidence and are confident with a belief that they will at cost, come what may perform well.

And when you believe in yourself you perform well. And performing well is the first step towards topping SBI Clerk Exam.

8. Taking regular Mock Tests

Ask any topper about the magic of Mock Tests, and he will tell that had he not given the test, he might not have even topped. Take one or two Mock Tests a day to top in SBI Clerk Exam. By way of Mock Tests, You can practice easy and tough speed tests one after another. These are two methods or techniques in which you practice tough questions only and then afterward practice easy questions to increase your speed with accuracy.

It takes time to solve a tough question, so you need to practice the easy speed testing method more to instill speed and accuracy in your methods of solving easy answers. Then, test the improvements by taking SBI Clerk Mock Tests.

If you like this article, you might also like this: SBI Clerk Mains 2024: 10 Tips on How to Score 35+ Marks in General English

Also read: SBI Clerk Mains 2024 Exam: 5 Best Tips of Scoring 45+ Score in Quants Section

Also read: SBI Clerk Mains: Secrets of Scoring Full 50 Marks in General/Financial Awareness

9. Eating a healthy diet and taking good rest

Toppers take a good healthy diet. As per medical doctors, a healthy diet of student waiting for a competitive Exam must have high-fiber carbs and fresh fruits or salads in his daily diet. He should ensure his or her meal consists of whole grains and omega-3-rich foods.

Foods like fish, methi, urad dal, rajma, soybeans, lobia, walnuts, etc. are good sources of omega-3-rich foods. They are needed for the busy brain of a prospective topper. Then, some fresh fruits and vegetables are very good sources of antioxidants, like vitamins A, E, and C which reduce brain cell damage.

Hence, you should eat fresh fruits and vegetables like citrus fruits, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, and strawberries to maintain a healthy body and a healthy mind.

10. Improve your time management skills

To get good results in the SBI Clerk Exam, you need to practice to try to attempt more questions within a short time duration. This exam demands not just accuracy but also speed. You need to enhance your time management skills with accuracy to answer.

A good balance between accuracy and time always results in gaining a high score. Hence, try to solve the practice questions in a time-bound manner.


To conclude, taking the SBI Clerk Exam Mock Test will highlight your preparation level and how much you are likely to score in the actual exam. This will make you aware of your strong and weak areas, in the best possible way. So, you can work on your mistakes in order to reach the top spot in the actual exam.

Toppers have perfect discipline, Perseverance, focus, time-management skills, and an analytical mindset. So, if you could just develop and perfect these essential skills, your name too will shine bright on that elusive Topper’s list.

Have faith in yourself!

Best of luck for the Exam!

Asad Yar Khan

I write and oversee the creation of informative educational blogs centering around study strategies, exam techniques, and more, to guide aspirants in clearing SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. I ensure a range of subjects are covered with precision and clarity. With over 7 years of diverse writing experience, I share a wealth of wisdom and expertise with thousands of students, through PracticeMock every day, helping them achieve their goals.

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