SSC MTS exam dates are only a few days away. Your revision should have started by now. Please remember that all the preparation you have done till now, the formulas you have memorized, the shortcuts you have practiced will all be tested now. Which is very important, so here we have provided mock tests to analyze your preparation, so that you can estimate your preparation.
Here PracticeMock has provided a 10 days revision plan for SSC MTS, which will help the candidate to prepare for the exam. All the candidates have already Started the preparation for SSC Multi tasking staff should start the mock test and mini mock test after completing the preparation. so that they may know about the level of their preparation.
Days | Task 1 | Task 2 |
1 | Attempt SSC MTS Tier 1 Free Mock + Review the Mock & Work on the Weak Areas | Seating Arrangement, Spot the error, Periodic Table, Surds and Indices |
2 | Weekly Current Affairs, Major Ports in India, Problem on Trains, Height and Distance, Misspelt Words | Fill in the Blanks, Symbolic operations, Whole Numbers, Geography |
3 | Attempt SSC MTS Tier 1 01 Mock Test + Work on the Weak Areas | Mixture and Alligations, Seating Arrangement, Para Jumbles, Types of Vitamins, LCM HCF |
4 | Percentages, Figural Analogy, Synonyms, Periodic Table | Major Crops of India, Climate and Soil Types of India, Profit and Loss, Direction Sense |
5 | Solve Previous Year Question Papers | Practice English & Reasoning topic wise quizzes |
6 | Lakes and Rivers of India, Major Passes of India, Cloze Test, Simple and Compound Interest | Reading Comprehension, Time and Distance, Seating Arrangement, Weekly current affairs |
7 | Attempt SSC MTS Tier 1 02 Mock Test + Work on the Weak Areas | Cloze Test, Number Analogy, Relationship between numbers Semantic Analogy, Medieval India, Basic Grammar Rules, Biology |
8 | Reading Comprehension, Blood Relations, Number Systems, Paragraph Completion Syllogism, Ratio & Proportion, Active/Passive Voice, Economic Policies | Coded Inequalities, Mensuration, One Word Substitution, Economic Policies Scientific Instruments, Ratio & Proportion, Para jumbles |
9 | Blood Relations, Sequence & Series, Work, Energy, and Power, Matter and its state | Units & Dimensions, Spot the error, Percentage, Coding-Decoding, Weekly current affairs |
10 | Attempt SSC MTS Tier 1 03 Mock Test + Work on the Weak Areas | Attempt SSC MTS Tier 1 04 Mock Test + Work on the Weak Areas |
A few Tips and Tricks to Crack SSC MTS 2023 Exam if you really want to crack SSC MTS 2023 in the first attempt. SSC MTS exam is divided into two stages: a Computer-Based Test (CBT) and a Descriptive Paper. The CBT is a 100-question, 120-minute exam that tests the candidate’s knowledge of General Intelligence and Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, General English, and General Awareness. The Descriptive Paper is a 30-minute exam that tests the candidate’s writing skills. We believe that by following these SSC MTS 2023 Preparation Tips and tricks will help you to clear the SSC MTS Exam.
Here we have provided the SSC MTS 10-Day Revision Plan so that candidates can revise their exam preparation, and along with that, we have also provided mock test and mini mock test links here so that candidates can analyse their exam preparation. Candidates attempt the mock tests and mini mock tests, so log in to PracticeMock’s website and attempt the mock tests and mini mock tests.
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