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If you are preparing for the IDBI Executive exam, you might be wondering how to plan your study effectively; especially when the exam is merely 10 days away. IDBI Executive exam is a competitive test that assesses your aptitude, reasoning, and English skills. The exam consists of three sections: Test of Reasoning, Test of Working English Language, Test of Quantitative Aptitude and General/Economy/Banking Awareness/ Computer/IT. Each section has 50 questions and carries 50 marks. The total duration of the exam is 120 minutes.

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10 Days Study Plan for IDBI Executive

DateReasoningQuantitative AptitudeEnglishGA
3 JuneSeating Arrangement, SyllogismMissing Seriesword rearrangement
4 JunePractice SetPractice SetPractice Set
5 JunePractice SetPractice Setpractice set
6 JuneSeriesTable DI and Bar Graph DIword swapAgreements & MoUs of April
7 JuneInput-OutputApproximationsentence improvementAppointments & Resignation of April
8 JunePuzzlesQuadratic InequalitiesSentence based errorRanks & Reports of April
9 JuneCoding-DecodingArithmeticidioms and phrasesSports News of April
10 JuneBlood RelationWrong SeriesCloze testSummits & Conferences
11 JunePractice SetPractice SetPractice SetAwards & Recognition
12 JunePractice SetPractice Setpractice setImportant days

To ace the IDBI Executive exam, you need to have a clear and realistic study plan that covers all the topics and concepts in the syllabus. Here are some tips to help you create your own IDBI Executive study plan:

IDBI Executive Free Mock Test- Take it Now!

  • Start with a diagnostic test: Before you begin your preparation, take a mock test or a previous year’s paper to assess your current level of performance. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and also give you an idea of the exam pattern and difficulty level.
  • Divide your time wisely: Based on your free mock test’s results, allocate your time for each section according to your proficiency and importance. For example, if you are weak in quantitative aptitude, you might want to spend more time on this section than on reasoning or English. Similarly, if a section has more weightage or cut-off marks, you should prioritize it over others.
  • Follow a daily routine: Make a daily schedule that includes your study hours, breaks, revision, and practice. Stick to your routine and avoid distractions or procrastination. Try to study at the same time and place every day to create a habit and a conducive environment for learning.
  • Review the concepts: Before you attempt any questions, make sure you have a clear understanding of the concepts and formulas involved. You can use books, online courses, videos, or notes to review the topics in each section. Make short notes or flashcards of the important points and revise them regularly.
  • Practice regularly: Practice is the key to success in any exam. Solve as many questions as you can from different sources, such as mock tests, previous year’s papers, sample papers, online quizzes, etc. This will help you improve your speed, accuracy, and confidence. It will also expose you to various types of questions and tricks that might appear in the exam.
  • Analyze your performance: After every practice session or mock test, analyze your performance and identify your mistakes. Find out where you went wrong, what concepts you need to revise, and what areas you need to improve. Learn from your errors and avoid repeating them in the future.
  • Take care of yourself: While studying hard is important, it is equally important to take care of your physical and mental health. Eat well, sleep well, exercise regularly, and relax occasionally. Avoid stress and anxiety by staying positive and motivated. Remember that your health is your wealth.

Take IDBI Executive Free Mock Test & Know Your AIR

By following these tips, you can create your own IDBI Executive study plan that suits your needs and goals. Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to preparation. You have to find what works best for you and stick to it. With consistent effort and smart strategy, you can crack the IDBI Executive exam with flying colors. All the best!

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